
When I was a child there was no options in school of doing work in school that needs to be completed throughout the school day.

Teachers are there to get a paycheck and not to educate our children .

As parents we have to speak up for our children because we are their voice.

 Teachers need more training on how to deal with children in all aspects, because in my opinion teachers have no control over their classrooms.

{May 10, 2011}   Boston or Miami

Ok, so I am sitting here watching the game and they are pretty close in score.

I would really love to see King James win a ring he really deserves it. He has played exceptional ball and he has the drive and motivation needed to succeed.

Everyone has their time I hope this year its LB.

Ok so they’re tied 81 who’s game will it be.

{May 9, 2011}   Living Life

Hello Everyone,

Why do men believe that just because you are not their mother you don’t deserve anything for Mother’s Day. I was told that and it really made me mad, no I am not your mother, but yes I am the mother of your child.

et cetera